Friday, January 28, 2011

Things to pray for - Love

Prayer is important and we should all be spending time talking to God.  I think it is easy to get stuck in a rut as the saying goes, and just repeat the same things over and over. "God bless my family and protect me and forgive my sins and help me to be a better person...."  But prayer can (and should) be so much deeper than that.  There is of course a need to spend time in adoration and thanksgiving for what God is and what he does, but God also delights in hearing the requests of his saints (Matt. 7:7-11) so I am trying to pray for some more specific things in my life.  Things that go beyond the daily functions of life and that affect character. I am praying that God will apply these things specifically in my life and in the life of my wife and also that his church will be increasingly marked by these characteristics. If you would like, feel free to join me in prayer for these items.

The first of these is Love.  Pray that love would abound more and more.  That we would grow in love toward God and each other and that our hearts would expand to include love as God has defined it.  That our love for Christ would overflow into love for those that our lives touch and that we would express our love well in both words and actions.  Pray that we would have a love that is more than a feeling and that is an active living love. Pray for love.

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