Thursday, January 27, 2011

Maybe We'll be ok after all....

I've never been a fan a hysteria politics.  By that I mean the kind of politics that takes a hold of some issue and blows it hysterical proportions (usually so that someone can benefit from they hysteria).  This includes things like Global Warming, Swine Flu, and Peak Oil and of course many other similar issues.  It is possible that there are problems that need to be addressed in these areas but the level of hype that surrounds these types of issues is, frankly, ridiculous. The problem with hysteria politics is that it whips people up into a hysterical response and often leads to foolish or downright dangerous legislation because 'something has to be done.'  Of course if it really is a problem, something will be done eventually even without government intervention.

You may have heard about the company Joule Unlimited, which has come up with a way of producing hydrocarbons (diesel, gas, etc.) from genetically engineered cyanobacterium.  Now, I don't think this will magically 'solve' all our energy problems (I'm no more a fan of hysterical solutions then I am of hysterical problems), but I do think its an illustration of the kind of solutions that are out there and how people will find them eventually. To panic about The Next Great Disaster that is going to destroy the world is counterproductive.  If its really that bad, get to work on a solution.  And yes, there are solutions to be found apart from the government. Joule Unlimited shows that nicely in that the work that it has done even though it did not qualify for government subsidies.

So be cautious when you hear hysteria politics.  Be careful not to pressure you politician to 'do something' without good solid reasonable grounds for it.  The more an issue is hyped and the more emotional it becomes the more cautious you should be about it. Emotions are easily manipulated by those who have money to be made from a certain agenda.

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