Monday, January 31, 2011

Reasons to Believe - Number 4 - Creation

Being a Canadian means I have to live through Canadian winters. But it also means I get to see the glory of God displayed in ways that others may not. I have seen the beauty of gently falling snow first hand.  I have gone skating on a pond on a winter night and enjoyed the time warming up around the woodstove after with a warm drink.  I have seen a side of nature that is both wondrous and dangerous at the same time.

Others of us who live elsewhere have had the chance to sail the oceans or ski on mountains or glory in the Grand Canyon or marvel at the size and heat of a desert.  There is so much variety and complexity in the world around around us.  There are geographic differences.  There are millions of different species of animals.  There are ecosystems we haven't even found out about yet.  And all this is just on this planet.  We have increasingly become aware of the immensity of the universe that our planet exists in.  The more we see of the immense complexity, and at the same time, clockwork like precision, of the universe in which we live the more it should cause us to look for the creator of all this.

Just like a great painting or song or scientific discovery can make us respect and admire the person who made it, so the great beauty and complexity or the world around should turn us to the one who made all of this and believe in the creator of this universe!

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