Monday, January 17, 2011

Reasons to Believe - number 1 - God tells us to

Its very simple isn't it? Why should we believe in God?  Well, he tells us to do so and he knows what is good for us.  I know this isn't some long detailed argument.  I know it isn't even a 'logical' argument.  But its right. Think back to when you were a kid and your dad told you not to do something.
'But why not dad?'  
'Because I said so.'
Maybe you hated hearing that when you were a kid, but there were still two reasons in there to listen to him.  First of all your dad was a lot smarter than you and probably knew what he was talking about, and secondly if you didn't listen there were consequences. Its the same with God.  We can whine and complain about it and maybe even rant against his command, but when it comes down to it God knows better than us and if we don't listen to this command there are consequences!

God says to us 'This is how you are saved.  Believe.'  So do it.  Listen to him.  Believe!

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