Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Let's do some brick work!

For the first time engineering students at Waterloo actually get a reading week! in the past we have only gotten 2 days off while the rest of the school had a whole but that has finally been changed. So this led me to ask myself "self what are you going to do with you week off?" and it hit me: Go down to South Carolina and do some volunteer work for Greenville Presbyterian Seminary of course! They acquired an old school building a little while back that is currently being renovated so that the campus will be able to move there since the current building has rather limited capacity. However, this building needs a lot of work before it is ready to be used and that, my friend, is where you and I come in. Right now the building needs to have some brick-work done. The grouting on the bricks is not very good and needs to be replaced so I'm putting together a group of volunteers to go down there and help out with that. It will be a great help for the seminary as well as a good experience, plus its going down to South Carolina in February...Bonus! My reading week is from February 17-24 and so I hope to travel down for those dates and help out. Oh and it gets better: You too can have this incredible experience, just let me know you are interested and I'll get you all the details.

...back to class
Dave Westy


Ruth said...

Hmmm, sounds great! But will this be a "no girls allowed" venture?

Unknown said...

Girls are welcome to come too as long as they are prepared to work...I don't think it will be extremely demanding work.

scott+jenk said...

yah I will probably be going davie... have to look at the old schedule

Anonymous said...

I would like to come but I'll have to see if I can get off all 3 jobs for a week.

Sarah by the Sea said...

sounds good! i wish i could get out of school, but its a crucial time for me. :( have fun and God bless!

_/ Derek \_ said...

im coming if i have to quit my job!

Anonymous said...

maybe i will be laid off by that point.. if it involves pointing i can get r' done lol

My name is Tim... said...

I'm in the DR, but I'm sure you guys will all have lots of fun.