Monday, March 06, 2006

It was a pretty fun weekend. Friday night we had a youth group event in Brantford. We played a few games that involved having all the lights turned off and hence a few bruised shins, but it was a lot of fun. We also heard a brief talk and had a discussion on how we can influence those around us and how we are influenced by other and how to be a positive influence to our friends, family and community. Then on the way home Friday night my brother calls.
'‘Hey Dave you coming home this weekend?'
'‘well no, I'’m planning on coming down next weekend for Dad'’s birthday.'’
dude you should come this weekend cause I can'’t be there next weekend, so this way the whole family can be here.'
so Saturday I headed home and visited with the family. That was lots of fun (even the part were my 6 year old brother almost gave me a black eye. (He'’s got one nasty left hook :-) ) I played hockey there Saturday night and got to see all my St. Thomas buddies then and on Sunday. Of course we stayed way too late at young peoples Sunday night and so by the time I dropped of Peter in Toronto and got back to Burlington it was past 12:30. Oh well, working on six hours of sleep isn't that bad if you'’ve got plenty of coffee in your system.

Since this world is full of so much interesting stuff, I'’ve decide to start a little thing on here call '‘link of the post'’ I was going to call it link of the day, but I don't post every day, so that just wouldn'’t fit now would it? Basically the idea is so to post a link to a random article that a came across that I found interesting. At lot of these will probably come from the 'random article'’ button on wikipedia since I like to browse that during my lunch break at work. Today'’s link of the post:

This is why I don't want to be a doctor


Anonymous said...

or you couldwork on animal...

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I'll leave that to you brother.