Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Books I've Read - Spurgeon Prince of Preachers

Spurgeon:Prince of Preachers
by lewis Drummond

This book was very long  (almost 900 pages), but it was a well balanced summary of the greatest preacher of the 19th century. If you are the type of person who can read long books, I would recommend this.  It covers the life, times, and teachings of Spurgeon in a very thorough manner.  Although on the long side, this book was well written and accessible and gave me a good understanding of the preacher, the times in which he lived, and the way he was shaped by and in turn shaped his culture.  A master preacher and teacher who lived out what he believed, Spurgeon is a character well worth reading about and studying.

Random Quote:(page 398)
Almost unparalleled in church history, the ministry of Charles Haddon Spurgeon epitomized the perfect blending of evangelistic fervency and deep social concern. We have already investigated in some depth his utter commitment to leading people to faith in Christ. Perhaps the world shall never see a more effective pastor-evangelist than C.H.Spurgeon. But right beside that concern for people's souls stood his commitment to fulfill people's needs. He devoted much of his time and energy to that end. He will always stand as a symbol of a minister who developed his life of service in the beautiful balance of social ministries and evangelistic commitment.

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