Sunday, October 16, 2005

Who reads this?

The comments on the last post brought up an interesting point. does it matter to me who reads this blog? Well, the idea is that this blog is about me, and since who I am does not changed based on who reads this blog it really shouldn't matter what my audience is. But at the same time one does write to a pervieced audience and so perhaps knowing that certain people read my blog might make me put in certain thing and withold other, but I would try not to let the opinions of others determine what I posted on here.

I may post stuff on here that people find offensive, and if you do feel free to let me know, but my point is not to be offensive as to present my view. I may also say stuff on here that I should not and if you see me doing something that you think is contradictory to my beliefs, please let me know, and we can discuss it. Speaking of that kind of thing...I have edited out the damn in my previous post, not because I think a christian cannot use the word, but becuase I was thinking about it and I am not convinced that I used it in the proper spirit when I wrote that post.

So If it doesn't really matter to me who is reading this blog why would I want you to use your name when you comment on it? Well the answer is, I think it's good manners to do so. You know who I am and if I'm going to take your comments seriously I would like to know who you are. Don't get me wrong...anyone can post anymously on here if they want to and I will not try to stop them or anything, but at the same time those kinds of comments do not carry the same weight as comments coming from someone who has indentified themself.

So there you have it folks. Comment away and have fun and let me know if you see anything wrong. I'm a human and I make mistakes, so you loving corrections are welcome (as long as they do not involve my spelling and grammer :-P).


Re van Eyk said...

Dude i totally agree, call me sometime


Aaron said...

Hi, I'm Mike from...

Actually, it's Aaron, from Wilmington (temporarily).

Anonymous said...

Why not email then... its personal; its directed.
Why be personal to persons you don't know...
and who is this van eyk dude? I find him offensive!

Re van Eyk said...

I think maybe you should stop reading offensive literature if you have such a problem with it


Re van Eyk said...

oh and the figs man says hello

Anonymous said...

there's a proverb about meddling in other people's business, young man! If you write it for me to read then don't tell me to not read. I bet your a yanky!

Unknown said...

How much you want to bet? I could use the money :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not speaking to you, I'm speaking to re van eek who told me to stop reading... it is he that I believe is a yank... or at least a hick.

Anonymous said...

He's both...know him well...

Unknown said...

Doesn't really matter if you are calling me a Yank or him a Yank...I'm still willing to take your money either way.

Re van Eyk said...

Yeah well you...***** yeah I'm not 'aloud' to say those words anymore ;-) but I'm certianly not a yank! Money please? Now!!!

Re van Eyk said...

oh and just for the record...anonymous is for cowards that are too frightened and insecure to say their name

Aaron said...

It's "allowed" my good friend...

Asher said...

Aaron, there's that good American schooling :P ... Arie, check out my blog ->

Anonymous said...

This is for the re van eyk dude. Calling me a **** shows that you are all about stars and stripes... yeah, a big stripe down your back for calling me a coward... the way you write, you should be ashamed of putting your name to it. I don't know how old you are, sonny, but if you were my child, I would sure give your mouth a washing out. I could be your grandma for all you know and your talking sassy to you don't know who.

Re van Eyk said...

well my Grandma woundnt be that scared and put anonymous

Re van Eyk said...

Oh and before you go jumping to conclusions ***** = anony thats short form for anonymous...btw

Anonymous said...

Oh my, re van eek... I am so sorry for jumping to conclusions. I thought **** was bad language. See how important it is to communicate? The reason I remain anonymous is because people make fun of my name. And when I show them my picture, they don't write back anymore. I will try to be more sympathic and understanding in the future.

Anonymous said...

i just found this blog thru far is interersting. i like to be able to hear other views on somone who is reformed