Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Classes are over

I finished up my last day of classes for the term yesterday and now the stuDYING begins. In preparation for my studying I went through all the assignments that I have back to figure out which course I need to focus on. I aim for an 80% average on my courses and based on that I calculated how much I need to get on each final:

Course: Current Mark Mark Necessary on Final for 80%
Advanced Math 85.8 74.3
Organic Chemistry 55.7 90.4
Heat Transfer 93.2 71.2
Materials 86.3 73.8
Thermodynamics 76.5 82.3

So there you have it folks...Who thinks I need to spend a bit of time studying for organic? Maybe a better calculation for that is what grade I need to pass the course (47.6% in case you were wondering) Anyways, back to the books

Dave Westy


Denise said...

ahh..... so smart Dave Westerveld. if only my marks were like yours. Good luck with your studies!

Anonymous said...

Dave when will you ever learn.... you should have posted your marks b4 you got a gf then you wuold have had one a lot sooner....