Every sane person knows that the Toronoto Maple Leafs are the best hockey team in the entire world even if they don't win. Winning has nothing to do with. The most important thing is that they are the Toronto Maple Leafs, which means that they are the best team. However, I have a slight problem this year. First of all about 20% of my class are Ottawa Senators fans, which is almost punishable by death were I come from, and then to top if off the Senators are kicking butt and the Leafs aren't doing so good. But do not worry. I am a Leafs fan. I do not have to listen to reason. The Leafs are the best. I do believe the following song will help clear up any confusion that there may be on this point.
Click here to find out the truth about Ottaw Senators
so nayna nayna nayna to all you Senators fans out there.
Dave Westy
(the Leafs WILL win someday)
Yah...way to say it Dave...we'll get them...this year:)
leafs crum.... they are the crummiest hockey team out there. they are a bunch of spoiled brats stumbling around on the ice fighting like wee girls... nothing about girls... but seriously, they do 'punch' pretty pathetically...
*running for my life*
you can run but you can't hide. I WILL find you, even if you are a chicken and won't tell me your name. At least the Leafs don't run away from a fight. bok bok bok bok CHICKEN.
do you know how ironic that is that you've called me a chicken? Yes, you're a chem eng, you can figure out who I am. Fortunately (for me), you don't know where I live...
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