Monday, December 13, 2010

Things That Make me Roll my Eyes - Miles of Government Regulations

Why does the government feel it need to regulate every aspect of our lives? Are we too stupid to think for ourselves? Every time a new bill comes out it seems to be at least 200+ pages long, meaning of course, that nobody will even be able to read through it all. I wonder if regulations in this country aren't just designed to create work for bureaucrats. One writes it so another can read it and then write something even more confusing to keep each other in work. Of course excessive propagation of laws also gives people the chance to find some obscure law that you are breaking if they don't like you. I think this story illustrates that point quite well. To often the regulations in our country are used for personal vendetta's or to give government officials something to point too when the amount of money going to their department is in question.

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