Sunday, August 27, 2006

Long time no see

Its been a while since I've had a good internet connection and a lot has happened since then. My little old Escort blew its head. Yes I agree...That wasn't a very nice to do, but it did it anyways. Tim and I tried to fix it:

But it was a piece of junk. So I bought a new car instead. A Mazda 626:

Its got a lot of kms but hopefully if I drive carefully it will last me a while. *cough* it does peel though *cough* I don't know how I know that.

Of course buying a new car means that I had to pay for it somehow and so I spend the last week and a half working for my dad on the new machine shed he's putting up.

this picture is actually from before when they were putting up the rafters. I was working on getting the steel on the roof, but I don't have any pictures of that. Notice the usual Westerveld care for safety. All of us have safety harnesses and we don't ever do things in a way that isn't prescribed but the book. Oh well, nobody's died (yet) so I guess its ok.

I also started my new co-op job at DCS in Markham so right now I am unpacking all my stuff and trying to get settled in here and bemoaning my fate. I have to leave for work at 6:15 tomorrow morning. Yes you heard that right 6:15. 6:15 folks. That Sucks. I don't like getting up that early. At all. Sigh. Well I guess I'll get back to my unpacking and try to get to bed on time.

Enjoy sleeping in
Dave Westy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm at 240 000 of BEAT THE TAR out of my car kms... and she's still run'n ..

Rear DISK brakes are the number one issue..

and if you need the shop manual for the car.. I have it on my computer ..
